Friday, March 24, 2006


On Wednesday I took the boys to the doctor. Dominic was at school, so he didn't come. Jeremiah came as well, but he was just coming along for the ride. Nathanael and Theodore had to see the doctor for "checkups" and to get shots. Jeremy came as well, because I talked him into helping me with the boys while I was there.

They are all doing good and average with their heights, weight, etc Well Theodore is tall for his age, a bit underweight and has a bigger head..LOL Nathanael was right on the dots though..haha

They did pretty well. Theodore got his shots and cried, and cried, and cried.

Then came time for Nathanaels turn. He cried very hard..(no worse than Theodore)..and then...

Jeremiah started crying to! He was soo upset and mad at the nurse for making his baby cry! He thought the nurse was hurting him. He had to climb up on my lap and sit with me (Jeremy was helping nurse with nathanael and shots) he was sooo sad for Nathanael! But he got better!

you need to go night night

Last night Jeremy had a bible study. So after I got a few things done, and let the boys stay up later; i put them to bed. Then I went on the computer for awhile. Anyhow, Jeremiah saw me on the computer, and wanted to stay out, but he finally made it to sleep. I wasn't on the computer long until Jeremy got home.

This morning I woke up at 6amish and couldn't go back to sleep. The boys were all asleep, I was shocked! Anyhow, I decided I'd just go on the computer since they were all sleeping still. Jeremy had just went off to work.

About 7am, Jeremiah stumbled into my office/den room with a very stern look on his face. The said in a strict voice "Mommy you still on the computer?" and I said "yes mommy is on the computer" and he said even sterner/stricter " MOMMY you need to go night night!!!" I talked to him a little bit more and well he thought I had stayed up all night on the

Theodore at church

Last sunday at church, the younger two were in the nursery. There are less kids in the nursery during the bible study, as the toddlers go to a toddler class. So it's usually just the younger babies. well 3 and under. Anyhow, there is another little boy that takes toys from the other kids. Which he is a toddler, so basicaly that's kinda what he's supposed to do..haha.

Anyhow, he came towards Theodore to take the toy from him. Well, Theodore handed it to him and started saying "Thank you thank you thank you" i'm glad he is learning his manners..haha but i think it's supposed to be the other way cute!

Where he lives.

At the dinner table last night, Jeremy was asking Dominic what his full name was. He has finally memorized the whole thing. He said "Dominic Owen Woodworth" so, I said now he needs to learn his phone number or his address.

Which Jeremy jumped at and said "Dominic where do you live" and Dominic replied quite confident "willows and chico" It was defiantly very cute, you might have had to be there to enjoy it fully!

We are now teaching him his address.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


When I awoke yesterday, I Thought to myself. I want to do something FUN today, after all it's saturday. Then it dawned on me....we should go to the snow. So I brought it up to hubby, and he said YES, lets go to the snow. It took us awhile to get the boys ready, and it even was aggrivating trying to get them ready. But we finally got them ready and out the door.

We decided to go to mineral, it's a bit further away, but it has a hill to slide down on. When we got there, I realized that we forget the little backpack. Which had the gloves and hats in it. So, hubby had to buy the boys new gloves. The hoods on their jackets worked well enough to keep their heads warm.

Hubby took the older two boys up the hill first. During this time I let Zebo our dog run around. I got the babies ready to go....By putting Theodores snow jacket (This covers his whole body instead of just his upper body) on. And put Nathanael in my snugli, put a jacket on myself that went around the snugli, and through a blanket over top of that. I got Zebo back into the van.

Then I went over to the bottom of the hill to see where hubby and the boys went. Once I found them, I headed in that direction. Which was easier than sounded, because you go through a walkway by motel buildins that lead up to where hubby was at. Once I got to the end up the cement I had to call for hubby to get Theodore so I could make it to where they were playing at.

Hubby had made the boys a little runway for them to slide on. It was the perfect size for them, and they were having lots of fun on it. He had to pack the snow down good for them, in order for it to work. There was a couple bumps for them to go over, and at the end of his runway there was a dip for them. They stopped when they reached the dip. So they didn't go all the way down. Then they dragged the little mini round sled thing back up and do it again. Dominic went the most times, but they did take turns.

Theodore pretty much sat in the snow the whole time. Until he got tired of that. Then hubby held him. We stayed for about an hour in the snow. Then the boys had enough..they were getting to cold themselves.

We got togo orders of hotcocoa and let the boys drink them. They were gone with in minutes...they gussled them down fast!!!

Then we drove the long way home.. 1.5 hours.

I was sooo glad that the boys had fun. The last couple times we went...they didn't. They kept whining they were cold. This time however they got over that fact..and had a blast!

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Nathanael is 4 monthes old now. My little baby, he is growing before my very eyes. He sleeps through the night now, well on most nights he does. I'm hoping he doesn't get sick with the illness that Theodore had. He likes to swing, be cuddled, talked to, and go for walks. He likes to lay on his tummy to, but if he gets tired, he knows how to turn onto his back. He hasn't quite learned how to roll from back to tummy though. But he does kick his feet and make donuts around the livingroom floor. His hair is still dark though, i'm hoping it turns blond like the other boys did. He does have blue eyes though. Wow though, I can't believe he is already 4 monthes old and looking like an infant instead of a newborn, it seems like just yesterday that he was born! I try to cherrish these baby monthes, because once they learn how to talk, and walk you can see their independence, and it's kind of a sad thing.


My little cuddle bug. He is now 15 monthes old. He has been able to walk since he was 9-10 monthes old, however didn't choose to be a walker until recently. Now he walks everywhere, well he's still in the wobbling stage..haha. He's been sick for the past week though, so that hasn't been a fun time! But he is finally getting better! But I think i'm going to keep him home from church tomorrow anyways. To be on the safe side, I wouldn't want another child getting sick, if he still had germs. He says words like mama and dada, nana, and He has blond hair and blue eyes too! And he loves keeping up with his big brothers! And taking their things from them too! He is almost as big as Jeremiah too! He is growing much much much to fast for my comfort..haha! I'm waiting for him to be able to help me out around the house! haha


He is 2 years old now. He will be 3 in April. He is such a talker, he will talk from the moment he wakes up til the moment he goes to bed. In fact if you count snoring as talking, he talks then too. He learns quickly from his brother! He has mastered the work on the preschool jumpstart, all though he doesn't have to coordination to use the mouse yet, so i do that part with him. But he knows the answers!!! He has the blondest hair and the bluest eyes, he is such a cutie pie. He has enjoyed Dominic being at school this year! He fights with Theodore some, but he gets along well with Nathanael so that is good! He has started going to a toddler class at church, that he enjoys going to! I am not sure if I am going to send him to preschool next year, I don't want his "sweetheartness" to be taken away, and i'm afraid of that happening, as that is what happened with Dominic. Oh well.. He loves helping around the house too, but on his own terms.


He's 4 years old now! And what a big boy he is becoming! Potty trained, going to school. He'l be in kindergarten next year!!! He is growing before my very eyes! He has become quite the little guy too! He loves to help his brother do things. Except Jeremiah though, that's a different story! He loves his baby brother though. HE gets on the floor and tries to get him to roll over by showing him how. He can also do headstands and hand stands now. And he likes me to walk him like a wheel barrow! His favorite game is candyland, he even plays by himself, that way he can win. I bought him the jumpstart kindergarten game, because he mastered the preschool one, well he's mastered how to work the kindergarten one too, now he just needs to master the work on it..hehe. He loves to help me around the house too, as long as it's not in his bedroom!


I was sitting here thinking to myself. What can I do online? Then it dawned on me to write a blog! I haven't blogged in nows the time!!!