Sunday, March 05, 2006


Nathanael is 4 monthes old now. My little baby, he is growing before my very eyes. He sleeps through the night now, well on most nights he does. I'm hoping he doesn't get sick with the illness that Theodore had. He likes to swing, be cuddled, talked to, and go for walks. He likes to lay on his tummy to, but if he gets tired, he knows how to turn onto his back. He hasn't quite learned how to roll from back to tummy though. But he does kick his feet and make donuts around the livingroom floor. His hair is still dark though, i'm hoping it turns blond like the other boys did. He does have blue eyes though. Wow though, I can't believe he is already 4 monthes old and looking like an infant instead of a newborn, it seems like just yesterday that he was born! I try to cherrish these baby monthes, because once they learn how to talk, and walk you can see their independence, and it's kind of a sad thing.


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