Saturday, October 22, 2005

Still pregnant

Being due two days ago, I was hoping to have had baby by now. But I'm still with child. Baby hasn't decided to makes it's entrance into the outside world yet. Oh well, all in God's good timing! Tomorrow is church. It will be nice to go to church. But then I get the "you haven't had that baby yet" if I could make baby come out..haha. Monday I have an appointment with Dominic's teachers. I hope that have the house straightened up by then. And Tuesday is my next midwife appt. They said that if I don't have the baby by then, that they are going to schedule some tests at the hospital in Chico (that is where I will deliver the baby at) and go from there. I know that they induce when you are two weeks past due. But I really don't want to wait that long..haha. I have often thought of a quick solution, but I"m against having an unneeded surgery!!! SO, I would NEVER opt for it!! Anyhow, wednesdays we go to the park in the morning and Thursday is Bible study. I"m trying to keep myself busy in the mean time while I wait for baby to arrive.

Today I even went on a long walk. We let this morning at around 9:30 and then didn't get home til 1pm. Hubby was working, so we left and got out of the house for awhile. We stopped at a couple yard sales too. We got a new walker and a "sit and spin" for the boys. They LOVE the sit and spin, but they keep fighting over it. THey also like the books I got them. Along the way on our walk, we stopped for some refreshments. Then I let Dominic ride in the stroller so that he could eat some cheetos too. Bad idea, giving them cheetos in my NEW stroller! haha they also shared a powerade.

Later on today, hubby decided to go to the races. That was a lot of fun too!! We walked around awhile there as well. We finally found a good place to sit too! The boys liked the races, but they didn't really want to watch all of them...haha. There was even a little play ground there, but it was more for older kids, so the boys couldn't do much. I brought along some suckers for them though, they enjoyed them. Baby Theodore did great too!

After the races, we went to Dennys for dinner! That was fun too. The boys did pretty well. They enjoyed their dino chicken nuggets, and their "teddy's in applesauce" lol those were kind of interesting. They had applesauce and then little graham cracker teddy bears that you put inside, and then the bears look like they are swimming, floating, or whatever. The steak there was very good too, and so was the shrimp. I even got me an "english toffee cappocino" which MIGHT be why I can't go to sleep!!! HAHA

Well, I did have a great day today. Last weekend was fun too, we went to a cornmaze! Then afterwards got some pumpkins. We let the boys pick out a pumpkin each.

But all my walking hasn't helped to have the baby!


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