Friday, July 08, 2005

2nd blog

Well, I hope I am doing this correctly, but we'll see in a little while though..haha. I will go ahead and type away..and see if it comes out I got a little confused. Do i push "new blog" or "new post" LOL HAHA My boys are such silly little feellows. J eremiah has back tracked on his potty training..that's too bad, and I was soo happy that he was succeeding so well. Theodore is now eating harder solid foods. ANd Dominic will he asked to read his Bible for the first time the other day!! That was amazing to me. He had never asked to read it before. And it's not like i read it regularly in front of him either. But I have started to do so. We read our bibles together now.

Next year Dominic should be starting preschool! It isn't exactly what i wanted. But it will work! He is very behind on his speech, and so hubby would feel better if he goes. I think he might find some friends there too. Besides they do a lot of playing in headstart. And he sure does love to play!!

Jeremiah is a funny little guy too. He has learnt how to play a game called "honk" where you squeeze his nose and he says "honk" or he squeezes your nose and you say "honk". But he kept scratching me with his fingers so i told him my honker was broke but when I am in the mood to play.. hehe I tell him it is fixed..haha. He also talks a lot too..he can talk up a storm. not always in english though! s ometimes it is in his baby

Theodore is almost crawling the correct way now, instead of his ninja crawl. hehe. And it's neat to watch him. Sometimes he gets up on all 4's like a dog. That is cute. He is also starting to get into the sitting position all on his own. He loves his new wagon wheel treats I bought him. But I had to tell his brothers (who really wanted some) that they were for baby. And if they touched them, that they wouldn't be able to eat I don't want them wasting them, as they are kind of expensive!

Anyhow, now it's time to see if it worked!! OH, and by the way it didn't work. LOL i made 2 blogs..and well i only want one! so i retyped this and put it in the other


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