Friday, January 20, 2006


Fridays, so many people love friday....i do not. It's one of the hardest days for me. I have had a week of taking care of 4 ENERGETIC, needy, whiny boys..LOL and so i'm drained from that alone, all though i've been home all week, the house doesn't look it. Or does it??? It looked like a tornado had hit it this morning. Today I cleaned it, well half of it. I didn't do the office room or the boys' room or our bedroom. But I did do the kitchen (even mopped) livingroom (vacuumed) and the bathrooms even mopping..hehe. Spend an hour before Dominic went to school playing with them in the living room.

Every since I decided to devote time to Dominic before school, he has behaved better. And he enjoys playing too, especailly with mommy. I've been asking him about his days, which I have been doing since he started. He now answers with more than just "play outside" he will say " my play outside yellow bike go round and round" he is speech delayed, as you can see. He has a hard time with articulation. He is very smart, but he has a hard time getting things he wants to say out. He starts kindergarten next year!! wooooowwwzzzzzerrrrsss!!!

Jeremiah will be 3 in April, and he is such a talker!! HE talks and talks and talks and talks..sometimes I want him to be quiet!!! LOL He can go on and on and on and on, I'm thinking of putting him into preschool next year. cute little cuddle bug. He's been sleeping very well in the bed this past couple weeks. He sleeps in Jeremiah's bed now. Until Nathanael sleeps through the night. Then he will go in the toddler bed in the other room again. He is starting to be a little man/toddler. He is 14 monthes old now! wow time sure does fly fly fly!!

Nathanael is starting to be awake more often! A lot more often at that! He is almost rolling over to, but not quite yet. He is wearing the 6 mo clothes and he is almost 3 monthes old. He loves watching his big brothers. It won't be too long until he's up playing with them!!! Oh my, it's sad to see baby growing up!!!


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