Saturday, October 22, 2005

Sunday School

Jeremiah 2, and Dominic 3, both go to sunday school class in the mornings. They both do very well now. Last Sunday they both got their memory verse stickers! Of course, she says the words first and then they copy her. But it's still great! I worked with Dominic tonight on his verse for tomorrow. He did great! I couldn't get Jeremiah to sit and be interested. I"m going to work on getting it into their daily lives. I will figure out a way. I know it can be done. It's just something "new" and I haven't put it into my schedule yet.

The first thing they do is say the pledge of allegience. Then they say one to the christian flag, and then to the bible. Then they get a short story. Then they do their verses. Then they get to color. Coloring is the boys' favorite part..haha. Jeremiah likes being there a lot better than Dominic does. But they both do great!

I have decided to let Dominic stay in the nursery during "jr church" though. He is old enough to be over there, but I figure one thing at a time. I think it's probably hard enough for him to be switching churches. Now he's got to adjust to being around the little kids in the morning sunday school class, which are for preschool/kindergartners. After he adjusts to being in that class. And then adjusts to the new baby..hehe and that the new baby gets to stay in the nursery even if he doesn't. THEN I will work on getting him to join in the "Jr church" which is ages 3 years through I think 6th grade, not sure..but I know there are older kids.
The nursery workers keep saying he's old enough, but I know that, that's isn't the reason I let him stay in the nursery. I figure one thing at a time. When he started going to the older class in the church in chico, welll we had been at that church for a long time! 3 years at that point. Dominic and I started going there when Dominic was about 6 weeks old! So he was very comfortable with the church.

I am so glad to see Dominic and Jeremiah in a sunday morning class though! That is great! I'm hoping that Jeremiah continues to do well in there. Which I'm sure he will.


At 4:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are such a dedicated mother roban!


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