Friday, October 28, 2005


Hubby got home from work at 6:30 monday evening. I had started dinner, and asked him to finish dinner and feed the boys. That I needed to run to the grocery store and pick up milk for breakfast. (we have cereal for breakfast, as it is easy..hehe, and i cook on occasion) We did have enough milk for breakfast, I think I also just wanted to "get out" of the house for a little bit. Anyways, he said sure, but to take Theodore since he was being cranky. So, I got Theodore ready and we went to the grocery store. I had 1 small contractions while getting Thedore ready, but shrugged it off, since I"d been having fake contractions for the last 4 weeks or so. Anyhow, at the store I had another contractions..a little pain but not too bad...shrugged it off again!!The next contraction came at the checkstand. No big pain but not too bad..haha.I was DRIVING home from the grocery store (which is only a min drive ) and another came..little pain.Got home, told hubby to please bring in Theodore, and the grocerys. And when he got done unpacking the car, I told him that I think this is the real stuff. It was shortly after 8 at that time! The contractions were painful, but not too close together. i figured they'd just die down.Told hubby that he might as well pack the van with the stuff for the boys and baby. That it would at least be ready for when we decided to go to the hospital..even if it weren't that day..hehe.I jumped in the shower..hehe and got all the sweat off from the day. and he put the boys to bed (undressed) he wanted to get them "out of my hair" lol out of the way so that I could have those contractions w/out them there making them At 8:30 I told hubby to get the boys dressed that they will need pajamas on to go to my sister's house. So he asked me to get them (he doesn't know which clothes go with which so he got them dressed SLOWLY i might add!! Then he got them in the van..SLOWLY...lolAnd at a few minutes to 9 we finally made it in the van and headed towards chico. Hubby called the midwife to tell her that we were on the way and to be ready for us. I tried to call my sister, and couldn't get ahold of her! We tried calling over and over and over again. So, we deiced..oh well we can just take the boys to her house and get her truck (instead of her meeting us at the hospital and changing vehicles) and then go back to the hospital. But as we got closer, we realized that WASN"T going to happen. We didn't have take awhile to get accrossed SO, when we hit into chico, it dawned on me to call Amber (who i don't really talk to anymore, but we did go to school together..and we are friends) and ask her to please meet us at the hospital, take our van with our boys to my sister's house. And that they could figure out what they wanted to do from there. I knew my sister was at home, but for some reason she wasn't answering her cell phone and she doesn't have a homephone. Well Amber showed up at the hospital a couple minutes later. She took the van and went to my sister's house.
~we went on in to the hospital and to the maternity wing. got into the room. I told the midwife that I usually don't have pain meds, and never have but this hurts..let me have some anyways..LOL It was hurting like it hurts at the VERY end with the other boys, but I was thinking that I just couldn't ALREADY be fully dialated it had only started labor like 2 hours ago or so! no way could I be at the end..she did ask me if I had the pushing urge and I said YES! So, she checked and sure enough I was fully dialated!!! So, she said do you want to try and squat for your next contraction? and i was already want me to get up..i just got in the's hard to move...LOL but I sure. LOLso, before I went to squat I asked her if the water had broke, and she said "No, but it'll pop on the first push" and i'm thinking..not really cause they've always had to pop it..but I said OK LOLFirst push and well babyhead and water bag came out (unbroke!) and she had to pop the waterbag and then on the next contraction I pushed the baby out..and well I had the baby. So, my labor was from about 8:15pm to 9:49pm WOWZERS!
After the baby was born, and they cut the cord, and did the parent bonding they were headed to do the bath and we got a message saying that somebody had dropped off keys for us at the security desk. LOL in less time than it took for Amber to go to my sister's house and get the boys straightened and then for my sister and her to get back to the hospital I had already had the baby..and baby already be taken care of..hehe.
~all though I do have to say, I didn't even want to hold the baby after he was born!!! that sounds bad..but I didn't want to have anything to do with him..LOL i wanted to see him in hubby's hands..LOL but I didn't want to hold him. i just wanted to be alone!!! I was never like that with the other ones, maybe because the other ones took so long that I was glad for it to finally be over and that I could see them??? I don't know. but i do know that AFTER i got into the recovery room I wanted to hold him.
Oh and they kicked hubby out! LOl they made him go home that night because I was shareing a room with another lady. So, I got my baby all to myself that first night, and I was awake, I had a great awake though! Hubby went to the christian rehab place he used to work at.
The next day hubby stayed around for awhile, left and came back, and even brother up Dominic and Jeremiah to see me, and i didn't recognize them at first..they looked so HUGE!
The next night hubby went home so that he could go to work at 4am and get some accounts done.
ANYHOW!!!! I spent a good amount of time bonding with baby. hehe and the boys are doing well. I have started giving Theodore a sippy cup of apple juice when I feed the baby and Theodore is around. That way he sees that the sippy is better. LOL (he still has bottles himself, but he is down to 2, and is almost off of them) he did however get a sucky..LOL he has his old one that he has never used, that has elmo on and he likes to carry it with him, he doesn't use it, but has to have it with him..LOL it's kind of cute. Jeremiah says that new baby is good too. But he is now starting to have a better bond with Theodore so that is good!Dominic said that little baby was his and that Jeremiah can have Theodore now. He wants the little baby! LOL


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