Sunday, March 05, 2006


My little cuddle bug. He is now 15 monthes old. He has been able to walk since he was 9-10 monthes old, however didn't choose to be a walker until recently. Now he walks everywhere, well he's still in the wobbling stage..haha. He's been sick for the past week though, so that hasn't been a fun time! But he is finally getting better! But I think i'm going to keep him home from church tomorrow anyways. To be on the safe side, I wouldn't want another child getting sick, if he still had germs. He says words like mama and dada, nana, and He has blond hair and blue eyes too! And he loves keeping up with his big brothers! And taking their things from them too! He is almost as big as Jeremiah too! He is growing much much much to fast for my comfort..haha! I'm waiting for him to be able to help me out around the house! haha


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