Friday, March 24, 2006


On Wednesday I took the boys to the doctor. Dominic was at school, so he didn't come. Jeremiah came as well, but he was just coming along for the ride. Nathanael and Theodore had to see the doctor for "checkups" and to get shots. Jeremy came as well, because I talked him into helping me with the boys while I was there.

They are all doing good and average with their heights, weight, etc Well Theodore is tall for his age, a bit underweight and has a bigger head..LOL Nathanael was right on the dots though..haha

They did pretty well. Theodore got his shots and cried, and cried, and cried.

Then came time for Nathanaels turn. He cried very hard..(no worse than Theodore)..and then...

Jeremiah started crying to! He was soo upset and mad at the nurse for making his baby cry! He thought the nurse was hurting him. He had to climb up on my lap and sit with me (Jeremy was helping nurse with nathanael and shots) he was sooo sad for Nathanael! But he got better!


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