Tuesday, May 08, 2007

wow, it's May

It's been a long time since I have wrote a blog. So, I figured it was about time. We just got home from the park. Dominic and Jeremiah wrote their bikes, and I let Theodore ride Jeremiah's spiderman scooter. The park is only a couple blocks away. Anyways, I guess I should give an update on the boys!!

Dominic is 5.5 years old. He is rounding up his Kindergarten year in the william finch virtual charter school. He has had a year of struggles with their curriculum. So, next year we do plan on homeschooling again, but this time we are going to use our own curriculum and go independant. He does love being at home and learner, which is a double plus. We have studied bugs, insects, animals, jobs, restaurants, and he's gone into 1st grade math. I have found a phonics book that he really enjoys doing, so that has been good. He has become a good little helper around the house..woohoo.

Jeremiah just turned 4 a couple weeks ago. He has been learning school alongside his big brother, and has picked up on quite a few things himself. Like reading small words such as cat, hat etc. He however has turned into the "terrible 2's" a couple years late! He loves bugs, so we spend a lotof time learning about them. He is also very good with animals. I think he might be the one to get the first "pet" when he gets a little older. Perhaps a hampster or something. I'm thinking of putting him into headstart next year. So, that he can go out and play with other kids. But I'm just not sure yet.

Theodore is 2.5 years old. He is starting to talk more. And wanting his way too. He has started to pick on his baby brother. And get into things that he shouldn't. He loves to sit down and color while his big brothers are doing school. He really thinks that he is a big boy too. He has taken over his brothers spiderman scooter. Jeremiah got a scooter for his birthday. He didn't like it as much as I thought he would, but Theodore fell in love with it. So, Theodore uses it. Oh well, I don't mind, as long as it is being used!!! LOL

Nathanael is 1.5 years old. He really thinks that he is a big boy. He also tries to use the scooter. haha. He climbs up high too...and is quite scary when he does. He babbles a lot and thinks that he is talking. He does know a few words. "mom, mama, hot, out, WOW!, and his favorite word is NO!" LOL He has little curls, that I think we will just leave them, for ever and ever....LOL He has his own little personality, that is for sure. He has also started to "beat up" his older brother. LOL He's no longer putting up with being the "little" brother..haha. He has also started going around and kicking things! But he will also give you a great huge hug, and he loves to cuddle.

Baby 5 is due Aug 28, 2007. Really hoping for a girl here..LOL And the pregnancy is going very well. I'm starting to get the pregnant belly, and fell pregnant. My clothes are no longer fitting, and I'm going to have go buy me some new shorts. I go back to the midwive on May 15th. This pregnancy is going by soooo slowly!

Well, I guess that's about it.