Saturday, July 23, 2005

A funny.

The other day, Dominic was talking to his daddy. And he said, "mommy has big tummy" Which by the way I do, as I am pregnant. And his daddy replied, "yeah mommy has a baby in there!" and then Dominic said "Daddy big tummy too!" LOL HAHA. ANd daddy said, "yeah, but daddy doesn't have a baby in his tummy" and then Dominic goes "I have small tummy, and baby in my tummy!" LOL He is soo funny sometimes!

Friday, July 22, 2005


WOOHOO it's Friday!!!!

Dh does have to work tomorrow though. That's no fun, for him or me!! I have some cleaning I have to do tomorrow though, so i'm going to do that while he's at work. Then the boys and I will head outside to play for awhile!

Jeremy brought a turtle home yesterday from work. we had it inside for awhile, then let it go in our backyard. I didn't see it out today, but hopefully it is sticking around. Maybe under our deck, under the shed, or perhaps it went into our garage. But it's a smart little guy so maybe it got out of our backyard. HAHA.

I have had a hard week. From the boys getting into cat food, baby oil, and also yucky getting poop all over their bedroom! Their behavior has also been a little on the cranky side too. It's probably the heat! It has been pretty hot here.

Jeremiah has had a slip back on the toilet training. Dominic showed a little progress, but then slid back again!! Theodore is now walking along the furniture, last weekend he couldn't even stand with the furniture and now he is walking along it!!! He is sure growing fast.

Next week I am going in for an ultrasound to see about the kidney on the baby 4. That appointment is on thursday! On Friday Theodore has another checkup. The week after I have an enrollment appt. for Dominic to enter preschool. Aghh, i'm not all to thrilled about that, but oh well. It probably needs to be done..not sure...God will lead me in that direction..the best one for Dominic.

Well, I'm going to go now.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Today was the last day of Dominic's Vacation Bible School. He sure did have a lot of fun there once I left! But he wants me to stay, maybe he wants to "share" his fun with mom. And I defiantly wouldn't have minded staying if I didn't have 2 other little ones tagging along! He brought home lots of crafts that he had done throughout the week. And elephant and hippo and a lion too. And even praying hands, he told me what they were! He still calls all the bearded men Noah or Jesus, but he likes to stick with Noah. I'm not sure but he loves the name Noah. I've told him quite a few different stories with other people, but he insists that they are all Noah.

I made him up some flashcards today. With the numbers 0-6 on them. He still can't count, but he can recognize the numbers 0,1,3,5 and sometimes 6. He has a hard time with the number 4, and 2. He will put up 4 fingers, but he never remembers the name of the number. I think it's a good start though. I had just been working on him counting, and he never caught on. Well he doesn't talk much, and he's more of a visual learner. SO a couple weeks ago I figured I'd work on the flashcards that we have. Ones that came in the mail. But they had a lot of big so I figured I"d just make up my own. Also he was more interested in the pictures on the other cards. now he just has numbers..hehe. We will work on counting later. I don't think it will matter in 10 years from now if he learns what numbers are what before he learns to count. hehe. He was having so much fun with those, he asked for "letter" cards. So, I quickly made him letter ones too. I made A-G. He knows the letter A. When we are walking down the street he can pick out the difference between a letter and a number! He was wanting to use his fingers when we were doing his letters, after all we were using fingers with numbers. SO I'm thinking about teaching him sign language while I teach him his letters any "comments' on that one???

Jeremiah was sitting with use while we were doing the flashcards, and he said the number 1 and 2 correctly. SO I think he might just know those 2 numbers. We'll see!! He is have a back track on potty training though, so that isn't good! He is back to pooping in his diapers! Encouragement!!! hehe. He has turned into a whinny little boy, who whines about everything! Is it his age maybe?? Dominic never went through this..but he whines about every little thing!!!

Theodore is starting to "kneal" with the furniture. Almost a stand but he is on his knees. Wow, at 7 other 2 did this a lot later on. He is a professional crawler and everything now! Eats well too. He doesn't like the runny babyfood anymore he wants "solid" solids hehe. And he says a few words, and roars at the boys, and meows at the cat!!! He surprises me everyday. But he also gets bumps on his head that I feel awful about, he runs into things while he is crawling. Or he'll lift his head up to reach up onto the furniture and hit his head..and I just feel so bad. The other boys didn't get mobile at all until 10 monthes or later. Jeremiah was later!!! Jeremiah is following Dominic's foot steps though, and trying to "stall" Theodore..hehe. It is odd seeing my 7 month old already "clearing" off the bottom shelf on the entertainment center, and well "clearing" off anything that comes in his reach. And emptying the laundry baskets etc. Tonight at dinner, he even crawled in there (right before we were going to get him into his high chair) and opened up a door, and was throwing stuff out of the bottom cabinet!! LOL
Anyhow, that is good for tonight! Let me know in a "comment" if there is any more you'd like me to talk about....hehe any particular thing of interest.

My boys

Today I will type up my blog and then title it..hehe. Lets see...

Today was the last day of Dominic's Vacation Bible School. He sure did have a lot of fun there once I left! But he wants me to stay, maybe he wants to "share" his fun with mom. And I defiantly wouldn't have minded staying if I didn't have 2 other little ones tagging along! He brought home lots of crafts that he had done throughout the week. And elephant and hippo and a lion too. And even praying hands, he told me what they were! He still calls all the bearded men Noah or Jesus, but he likes to stick with Noah. I'm not sure but he loves the name Noah. I've told him quite a few different stories with other people, but he insists that they are all Noah.

I made him up some flashcards today. With the numbers 0-6 on them. He still can't count, but he can recognize the numbers 0,1,3,5 and sometimes 6. He has a hard time with the number 4, and 2. He will put up 4 fingers, but he never remembers the name of the number. I think it's a good start though. I had just been working on him counting, and he never caught on. Well he doesn't talk much, and he's more of a visual learner. SO a couple weeks ago I figured I'd work on the flashcards that we have. Ones that came in the mail. But they had a lot of big so I figured I"d just make up my own. Also he was more interested in the pictures on the other cards. now he just has numbers..hehe. We will work on counting later. I don't think it will matter in 10 years from now if he learns what numbers are what before he learns to count. hehe. He was having so much fun with those, he asked for "letter" cards. So, I quickly made him letter ones too. I made A-G. He knows the letter A. When we are walking down the street he can pick out the difference between a letter and a number! He was wanting to use his fingers when we were doing his letters, after all we were using fingers with numbers. SO I'm thinking about teaching him sign language while I teach him his letters any "comments' on that one???

Jeremiah was sitting with use while we were doing the flashcards, and he said the number 1 and 2 correctly. SO I think he might just know those 2 numbers. We'll see!! He is have a back track on potty training though, so that isn't good! He is back to pooping in his diapers! Encouragement!!! hehe. He has turned into a whinny little boy, who whines about everything! Is it his age maybe?? Dominic never went through this..but he whines about every little thing!!!

Theodore is starting to "kneal" with the furniture. Almost a stand but he is on his knees. Wow, at 7 other 2 did this a lot later on. He is a professional crawler and everything now! Eats well too. He doesn't like the runny babyfood anymore he wants "solid" solids hehe. And he says a few words, and roars at the boys, and meows at the cat!!! He surprises me everyday. But he also gets bumps on his head that I feel awful about, he runs into things while he is crawling. Or he'll lift his head up to reach up onto the furniture and hit his head..and I just feel so bad. The other boys didn't get mobile at all until 10 monthes or later. Jeremiah was later!!! Jeremiah is following Dominic's foot steps though, and trying to "stall" Theodore..hehe. It is odd seeing my 7 month old already "clearing" off the bottom shelf on the entertainment center, and well "clearing" off anything that comes in his reach. And emptying the laundry baskets etc. Tonight at dinner, he even crawled in there (right before we were going to get him into his high chair) and opened up a door, and was throwing stuff out of the bottom cabinet!! LOL

Anyhow, that is good for tonight! Let me know in a "comment" if there is any more you'd like me to talk about....hehe any particular thing of interest.

Friday, July 08, 2005

finally got it settled!

Well now I only have 1 blog and it will be a lot easier this way!! HEHE I am not sure exaclty how I messed up, but it's all fixed now! Sorry for any of the confuzement I may have caused! Now, I'm going to go get ready for bed.

2nd blog

Well, I hope I am doing this correctly, but we'll see in a little while though..haha. I will go ahead and type away..and see if it comes out I got a little confused. Do i push "new blog" or "new post" LOL HAHA My boys are such silly little feellows. J eremiah has back tracked on his potty training..that's too bad, and I was soo happy that he was succeeding so well. Theodore is now eating harder solid foods. ANd Dominic will he asked to read his Bible for the first time the other day!! That was amazing to me. He had never asked to read it before. And it's not like i read it regularly in front of him either. But I have started to do so. We read our bibles together now.

Next year Dominic should be starting preschool! It isn't exactly what i wanted. But it will work! He is very behind on his speech, and so hubby would feel better if he goes. I think he might find some friends there too. Besides they do a lot of playing in headstart. And he sure does love to play!!

Jeremiah is a funny little guy too. He has learnt how to play a game called "honk" where you squeeze his nose and he says "honk" or he squeezes your nose and you say "honk". But he kept scratching me with his fingers so i told him my honker was broke but when I am in the mood to play.. hehe I tell him it is fixed..haha. He also talks a lot too..he can talk up a storm. not always in english though! s ometimes it is in his baby

Theodore is almost crawling the correct way now, instead of his ninja crawl. hehe. And it's neat to watch him. Sometimes he gets up on all 4's like a dog. That is cute. He is also starting to get into the sitting position all on his own. He loves his new wagon wheel treats I bought him. But I had to tell his brothers (who really wanted some) that they were for baby. And if they touched them, that they wouldn't be able to eat I don't want them wasting them, as they are kind of expensive!

Anyhow, now it's time to see if it worked!! OH, and by the way it didn't work. LOL i made 2 blogs..and well i only want one! so i retyped this and put it in the other